DomovLenka from Pucle and her time in quarantine
#Clever thoughts

Lenka from Pucle and her time in quarantine

During these challenging weeks we have to get used to completely new daily routine and constantly face a threat of the sneaky virus. That is really no easy task to deal with for our mindsets. What really helps us is contact with you. We are so happy whenever you tag us on social media) while you are assembling or when you send us pictures of your finished puzzle illustration.

To feel even more connected we are trying to share our working process. Recently we have made a bit more personal stories on Instagram called Open kitchen invitation, where we both recorded our working day activities during quarantine. We were so touched by your lovely reactions and since the stories on IG last only 24 hours, we decided to write the most important parts down here on our blog.

Pucle work fights the worries

So how does our work day actually look like? I work from home for a couple of years now, so a lot stays the same as before quarantine. Sometimes I get so focused and catch my work flow that I completely forget what is going on in the world. Generally I’m trying to stay optimistic and not let the negativity distract me, but there is one thing that worries me more than others. One of the biggest question marks for me is, when it will be possible to return to my second home in Porto. I really miss my favorite view point in Virtudes,where I have made a couple of important life decisions back in a day. I also miss the most typical, frozen-in-time bar Adega rio Douro or a glass of wine on Praia da Luz. But what I truly miss the most in my beloved Portuguese man who awaits for me in Porto – also in quarantine. Travels look pretty impossible for at least couple of months now, so it’s good that we already have some long distance training 🙂

My beloved Porto. I have taken these pictures on my very first walk around the town when I moved there in 2015.

This is also a reason why I’m so grateful that we can do our Pucle work in these uncertain times. One of the things that I appreciate most about Pucle is that the list of tasks is so diverse and it’s never boring or stereotypical. From creatively charged brainstorming, figuring out strategies for communication, through browsing illustrators’ portfolios, or creating graphic materials and retouching photos, all the way to manual meditative labor of sewing the cotton puzzle bags or sticking the stickers. And that is just a fraction of everything we actually do and I’m so happy that is so varied and I can choose a task based on my current energy level and mood.

One of my duties is also taking care of your orders – and every single one makes me really happy. Trips to the post office or GLS depo are currently my only outdoor activity I’m so lucky and grateful that our drive and job description didn´t really change by the quarantine.

We care so much and constantly trying to figure out new ideas how to make our customers happy. And when we succeed at making you happy, it keeps us going forward with a huge smile on our mask-covered faces 🙂

We are keeping the orders runs safe

Best time to take online classes

Pucle is our first company and we are learning something new every day. This quarantine time is actually ideal for some proper study time that would compliment our everyday practice. My official degree is Master of Arts and even though the studies at Academy of Fine arts and design were great, of course I didn’t really catch any entrepreneurial skills there. That was one of the reasons why I was considering more business education ever since we started Pucle.

Studying always agreed with me so this year I took the leap and signed up for online business school – B-school with Marie Forleo where I’m learning a lot of great new stuff. It was really amazing to find out that we have done so many things right and very intuitively we were using the right strategies. But of course, the lessons also shone the light on the parts that have a lot of room for improvement. Especially now it’s really nice to be part of entrepreneurial community from all over the world that is very supportive and encouraging. 🙂


Quiet challenge of all the unread books

We are both huge bookworms. We read all the time, no matter whether it’s the quarantine time or not. But now at this time I got reminded how many books are occupying my shelves that I actually haven’t read yet. I stopped checking the new releases, even though now it’s so tempting when the time home seems to be so long and the new books smell so good. But I felt bad for the books that are already here and I didn’t give them the attention they deserve. So I made a commitment to read only the books that are around and I am sure I won’t be bored till the very end of the pandemic Right now I am working on Big Magic by Liz Gilbert. I am reading this book already for like a third time, but now in Portuguese. Next up is Where the crawdads sing by Delia Owens, Games people play by Eric Bene, Option B by Sheryl Sandberg or Franny and Zooey by J.D. Salinger ( I have borrowed this one from Baša about 2 years ago)

Zoom coffee time instead of regular meetings

Work or personal meetings were moved from our favorite coffee places to our homes, in front of our screens and with our homie mugs by our side. This applies not only to Pucle calls but also to all other projects we are working on. Important one for me is our local TEDx conference which I’m volunteering to organize for three years now.

My position is called Speakers’ Coordinator so I organize with speakers, other coordinators and put together a concept for the program. I really enjoy TEDx works and more responsibility I have there, more fulfillment it brings. Our team is bummed that we have to cancel and reschedule all the planned events but I hope that we will organize it in the future with double the excitement. We already had our concept layout ready for this year and when corona hit Slovakia we were about to start choosing the speakers. The whole process was slowed down, but didn’t stop completely. Our Sunday meeting are still happening online and we really hope that once are free to organize the events again we will make it even better than before!

TEDx conference call

Alternative workout

My years-long effort to build a consistent workout routine was put to a test during quarantine, but I’m happy to report that so far it’s going well. My routine of gym/yoga/dance classes got restricted, but I can work out at home too. Even the dancing is possible, although it’s not the same in the living room when you kick the armchair on every turn – but where is a will, there is a way And my boyfriend is a living proof of that. Before quarantine he got himself one of those fancy fitness watches and he is keeping his daily steps. In one day he can make 15 km long walk – only within the apartment! During these indoor walks we usually speak on the phone or he listens to his favorite podcasts. We became real quarantine fitness buddies and we support each other to stay active. We share the progress and work out almost every day, whether it’s yoga class, HIIT tabata series or running around the house with a ball (that’s more his thing though ) 🙂

Yoga quarantine goal – work on the front splits and 15k walk proof!

Assembling in the evening with a glass of wine

Before corona crisis with Baš we were constantly discussing whether we should or shouldn’t rent a storage space. After all we are glad we waited since the situation is kind of hard to predict now. And it has a huge plus – we have all the puzzle at hand! So there is never lack of entertainment for the evenings.

Wine night

Now I am really enjoying the older motifs that are about to sell out and it’s such a peaceful self-care activity. Every motif has its own story and every single one is a source of joy for us. But of course, there is couple of absolute favorites. One of those for me would be The Second sun by Mária Čorejová.

It was one of the first designs things we printed and it was such a risk! Black and white ink drawing with apocalyptic vibes – and put in on puzzle? We did and it worked out great. The design agreed so well with the puzzle pattern and it was a great challenge to assemble. And this motif has one more huge plus – thanks to it we befriended our awesome Mária Čorejová, who is not only an amazing artist but also funny and smart super cool gal 🙂

Work by Mária Čorejová

Another one of my favorites is Girl Power by Martu Hlavajová. Cheeky and vibrant drawing with an opinion was also a risky choice for puzzle – but I was so determined to try it! We enjoy so much to surprise you and also ourselves by what kind of art can actually coexist with puzzle. With a nice glass of wine and chill music in the background is assembling the perfect activity to unwind, to chill out and exercise our brain at the same time. You can almost hear the hemispheres communicating when assembling a challenging motif.

And last but not least, I am really enjoying the fun wave in This is War by Andreea Dobrin Dinu. It’s from our latest print and the illustration constantly reminds me the joys of relationships, even while distancing.

Andreea Dobrin Dinu – This is War!

Especially in these uncertain times is not only assembling but the whole Pucle work that brings me joy and gives me energy every day. We put our entire hearts into Pucle and it always warms them when you write us something nice, when you tag us at photos and tell us that we are doing a good job.

Thank you so much for this incredible energy!


And big fluffy bonus – our cute kitty 🙂

One little creature that is hard to keep #socialdistancing from is our cute kitty. It’s an independent nomad that one day just showed up in our yard and decided to stay. When we let her in, her favorite move is to sit on top of invoices or lie down in an open binder. So we gave her a nick name Accountant cat or Tax cat


Mohlo by se vám líbit


„Krásné a originální ilustrace, kvalitní provedení, balení, které není potřeba schovávat a na poličce vynikne.” 😊

Přejít nahoru

Poštovné a balné

Packeta odosielame do 2-5 pracovných dní 3 €
Osobný odber v Haluziciach - Nové Mesto nad Váhom Zdarma
Osobné doručenie Trenčín, Nové Mesto nad Váhom a okolie 1 €

Poštovné a balné

Kuriér GLS odesíláme do 2-5 pracovních dnů 6,5 € (cca 156 CZK)
GLS Express odeslání zásilky v den objednání, případně nejpozději druhý den ráno 12 € (cca 288 CZK)
Packeta odesíláme do 2-5 pracovních dnů 6,20 € (cca 150 CZK)
Osobní odběr v Haluzicích - Nové Město nad Váhem / Slovensko Zdarma