

Contact us

If you are sending us a shipment or returning the tubes, please use our mailing address. This way, the shipment will reach us faster. 🙂

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When picking up orders from our e-shop in person, please make an appointment by phone or e-mail. 👋

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Do you want to please your employees or partners with a creative gift? Together we will come up with the best one. Get in touch with us!

Transform your art to the puzzle. Contact us 👋

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Poštovné a balné

Packeta odosielame do 2-5 pracovných dní 3 €
Osobný odber v Haluziciach - Nové Mesto nad Váhom Zdarma
Osobné doručenie Trenčín, Nové Mesto nad Váhom a okolie 1 €

Postage and packaging

GLS Courier (only SK shipping) we ship within 2-5 business days 6,5 €
GLS Express sending the shipment on the day of ordering, or the next morning at the latest 12 €
Packeta / SK + EU shipping we ship within 2-5 business days 4,20 € (SK) / the price depends on the country of dispatch
Personal collection in Haluzice - Slovakia Free