DomovShopTrenčín na Korze

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Trenčín na Korze

In stock

  • *Počet dielikov


    *Farba rámu

    *Farba rámu

Product description

Poznáte tento malý milý mestský trh? Že nie? Tak ho určite odporúčame spoznať. Aj my na ňom participujeme, a preto sme nechali vyrobiť aj tieto krásne ilustrované puzzle Pucle. Motív vytvoril Michal Rafaj a predávame ich v rámci podpory mestského trhu Trenčín na Korze. 

12 EUR z každých predaných puzzle poputuje priamo pre Trenčín na Korze na podporu trhu. Puzzle sú dostupné vo variantoch s dreveným rámom aj samostatne. Vďaka drevenému rámu puzzle nelepíte, ale jednoducho ich zavesíte na stenu.

Neskôr ich môžete kedykoľvek zvesiť. Rámik ľahko otvoríte, puzzle rozložíte a vymeníte za nové Pucle.

Rozmer s rámom49 x 35 cm
Rozmer bez rámu47 x 33 cm
Rozmer dieliku pri 500 ks2 x 2 cm

How does it work?

Play Video

All in one package. Watch a video on how putting Pucle into a frame works orread about the process.

All in one package

Pucle without a frame Pucle with a [frame] [rámom]
Cardboard tube*
Cotton bag full of puzzle
Smart puzzler's handbook with an illustration
Beech massif puzzle frame
Connecting component for the frame
Recycled puzzle mat
Protective film for the puzzle

*Get 5% off for your next order for returning the tube. How does that work? How does it work?


"I invented the Trenčín na Korze motif for Pucle, which was created to support a small urban market in Trenčín - Trenčín na Korze. By buying these Pucle you are also supporting the market itself."

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We enjoy seeing the world from different angles of the puzzle. If you feel the same way, create an illustration for us.

Bring your art to the puzzle.Contact us. 👋

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Poštovné a balné

Packeta odosielame do 2-5 pracovných dní 3 €
Osobný odber v Haluziciach - Nové Mesto nad Váhom Zdarma
Osobné doručenie Trenčín, Nové Mesto nad Váhom a okolie 1 €

Postage and packaging

GLS Courier (only SK shipping) we ship within 2-5 business days 6,5 €
GLS Express sending the shipment on the day of ordering, or the next morning at the latest 12 €
Packeta / SK + EU shipping we ship within 2-5 business days 4,20 € (SK) / the price depends on the country of dispatch
Personal collection in Haluzice - Slovakia Free