Mária Nerádová
Mária Nerádová (*1988) is an illustrator and graphic designer who primarily works on illustrating books for the youngest children in Slovakia and abroad. She is a multiple winner of the Most Beautiful Book of Slovakia award. In 2014, her first author’s book was published – the Czechoslovak picture dictionary “Jak velbloud potkal tavu” and in 2018 the large-format illustrated leporelo “Let’s discover Slovakia”. You can find more about Maria at www.marianeradova.com
“Do you know that this puzzle illustration will entertain not only as a puzzle? Play a game of search with the children and count, for example, how many animals are in the picture, which of them we can meet in Slovakia, which are foreign, which are fairy tales and which we know to have at home as well. Don’t be afraid to come up with ideas and feel free to give each of the animals a name. You can find more about Mária at www.marianeradova.com”
Number of illustrations | 1 illustration on Pucle |
Identification mark | Children's illustration |
Nationality | Slovak |
@marillustrator |
Pucle by the ilustrator
Let’s explore Slovakia
Mária Nerádová
We enjoy seeing the world from different angles of the puzzle. If you feel the same way, create an illustration for us.